Girl`s Dress Novita 7 Veljestä (7 Brothers)
This sweet child`s dress worked in Novita 7 Veljestä (7 Brothers) is embellished with cables bordered with lace pattern.
Sisko Sälpäkivi
98-110 cm
Finished dimensions
Age: about 5[7] years
Bust: 58[64] cm
Length: 53[60] cm
Yarn demand
Novita 7 Veljestä (522 pink) 350[400] g
Needles and other supplies
60cm long circular needles Novita 4,5 mm 80cm long circular needles Novita 4,5 mm Set of 5 double-pointed 4 mm needles for collar
Finished dimensions
Age: about 5[7] years
Bust: 58[64] cm
Length: 53[60] cm
Stitch pattern
Rib in round:*K1 tbl,P1, rep from* to end.
Stocking stitch in round: knit all rows.
Cable pattern in round: See chart. Rep rows 1-8.
18 sts to 10 cm measured over stocking st
17 sts to 6 cm measured over cable stripe
Stitch pattern
Rib in round:*K1 tbl,P1, rep from* to end.
Stocking stitch in round: knit all rows.
Cable pattern in round: See chart. Rep rows 1-8.
18 sts to 10 cm measured over stocking st
17 sts to 6 cm measured over cable stripe
Skirt is worked in round until the armholes. Using longer circular needles cast on 234[246] sts. Work in rib in round 6 rows. Beg and ending rows as indicated, cont in patt from chart as folls:
Rnd 1: work 11[12] sts in stocking st in round, * work 17st patt from chart, work 22[24]sts in stocking st in round, rep from * 4 times, work 17st patt from chart, work 11[12] sts in stocking st in round. Work until skirt meas 5 cm.
Dec rnd 1: sl1,K1,psso at the beginning of each stocking st stripe and AT THE SAME TIME K2tog at the end of each stocking st stripe. Rep dec rnd 1 in 4,5[6] cm intervals 7 times = 138[150] sts. Each stocking st stripe now has 6[8] sts. Change to shorter circular needle when convenient. Work until skirt meas 44[50] cm. End with rnd 5 of chart. Divide the skirt into two sections for front and back as folls: cast off 6[8] sts for armhole, work 63[67] sts for front, cast off 6[8] sts for armhole, work 63[67] sts for back. Change to longer circular needles.
Next rnd: Cast on 46[52] sts above armhole, work 63[67] sts for front, cast on 46[52] sts above armhole, work 63[67] sts for back = 218[238] sts. Cont working as established over 63[67] sts for front and 63[67] sts for back. Work 46[52] sts above armhole in rib in round 4 rnds. AT THE SAME TIME rep dec rnd 1: sl1,K1,psso at the beginning of each stocking st stripe and AT THE SAME TIME K2tog at the end of each stocking st stripe = 210[230] sts. Cont 46[52] sts above armhole in cable patt as folls: work 4[6] sts in stocking st in round, work 17st patt from chart, work 4[6] sts in stocking st in round, work 17st patt from chart, work 4[6] sts in stocking st in round. Work 2 rnds.
Size 110cm: rep dec rnd 1: sl1,K1,psso at the beginning of each stocking st stripe and AT THE SAME TIME K2tog at the end of each stocking st stripe. Each stocking st stripe now has 4[4] sts.
Size 110cm: work 1 rnd.
Both sizes: rep dec rnd 1: sl1,K1,psso at the beginning of each stocking st stripe and AT THE SAME TIME K2tog at the end of each stocking st stripe. Work 1 rnd.
Dec rnd 2: P2tog first st of 17st patt with last st of stocking st stripe and P2tog last st of 17st patt with first st of stocking st stripe allround = 10 stripes of 17st patt =170sts. Work 1 rnd.
Dec rnd 3: P2tog first st of 17st patt with last st of previous 17st patt allround. Work 1 rnd.
Dec rnd 4: between each cable: P1, P2tog, P1, P2tog, P1 =5 sts in between cables. Work 1 rnd.
Dec rnd 5: between each cable: P2tog, P1, P2tog = 3 sts in between cables. Change to shorter circular needle. Work 1 rnd.
Dec rnd 6: between each cable: P3tog =1 st in between cables. Work 1 rnd.
Dec rnd 7: K2tog last (knitted) st of cable and next (purled) st tbl, rep allround = 90 sts.
Change to double pointed needles. Knit 1 rnd. Cont in rib in round 4 rnds. Cast off sts in rib.
Girl`s Dress Novita 7 Veljestä (7 Brothers)
98-110 cm
Finished dimensions
Age: about 5[7] years
Bust: 58[64] cm
Length: 53[60] cm
Yarn demand
Novita 7 Veljestä (522 pink) 350[400] g
Needles and other supplies
60cm long circular needles Novita 4,5 mm 80cm long circular needles Novita 4,5 mm Set of 5 double-pointed 4 mm needles for collar
Stitch pattern
Rib in round:*K1 tbl,P1, rep from* to end.
Stocking stitch in round: knit all rows.
Cable pattern in round: See chart. Rep rows 1-8.
18 sts to 10 cm measured over stocking st
17 sts to 6 cm measured over cable stripe
Stitch pattern
Rib in round:*K1 tbl,P1, rep from* to end.
Stocking stitch in round: knit all rows.
Cable pattern in round: See chart. Rep rows 1-8.
18 sts to 10 cm measured over stocking st
17 sts to 6 cm measured over cable stripe
Skirt is worked in round until the armholes. Using longer circular needles cast on 234[246] sts. Work in rib in round 6 rows. Beg and ending rows as indicated, cont in patt from chart as folls:
Rnd 1: work 11[12] sts in stocking st in round, * work 17st patt from chart, work 22[24]sts in stocking st in round, rep from * 4 times, work 17st patt from chart, work 11[12] sts in stocking st in round. Work until skirt meas 5 cm.
Dec rnd 1: sl1,K1,psso at the beginning of each stocking st stripe and AT THE SAME TIME K2tog at the end of each stocking st stripe. Rep dec rnd 1 in 4,5[6] cm intervals 7 times = 138[150] sts. Each stocking st stripe now has 6[8] sts. Change to shorter circular needle when convenient. Work until skirt meas 44[50] cm. End with rnd 5 of chart. Divide the skirt into two sections for front and back as folls: cast off 6[8] sts for armhole, work 63[67] sts for front, cast off 6[8] sts for armhole, work 63[67] sts for back. Change to longer circular needles.
Next rnd: Cast on 46[52] sts above armhole, work 63[67] sts for front, cast on 46[52] sts above armhole, work 63[67] sts for back = 218[238] sts. Cont working as established over 63[67] sts for front and 63[67] sts for back. Work 46[52] sts above armhole in rib in round 4 rnds. AT THE SAME TIME rep dec rnd 1: sl1,K1,psso at the beginning of each stocking st stripe and AT THE SAME TIME K2tog at the end of each stocking st stripe = 210[230] sts. Cont 46[52] sts above armhole in cable patt as folls: work 4[6] sts in stocking st in round, work 17st patt from chart, work 4[6] sts in stocking st in round, work 17st patt from chart, work 4[6] sts in stocking st in round. Work 2 rnds.
Size 110cm: rep dec rnd 1: sl1,K1,psso at the beginning of each stocking st stripe and AT THE SAME TIME K2tog at the end of each stocking st stripe. Each stocking st stripe now has 4[4] sts.
Size 110cm: work 1 rnd.
Both sizes: rep dec rnd 1: sl1,K1,psso at the beginning of each stocking st stripe and AT THE SAME TIME K2tog at the end of each stocking st stripe. Work 1 rnd.
Dec rnd 2: P2tog first st of 17st patt with last st of stocking st stripe and P2tog last st of 17st patt with first st of stocking st stripe allround = 10 stripes of 17st patt =170sts. Work 1 rnd.
Dec rnd 3: P2tog first st of 17st patt with last st of previous 17st patt allround. Work 1 rnd.
Dec rnd 4: between each cable: P1, P2tog, P1, P2tog, P1 =5 sts in between cables. Work 1 rnd.
Dec rnd 5: between each cable: P2tog, P1, P2tog = 3 sts in between cables. Change to shorter circular needle. Work 1 rnd.
Dec rnd 6: between each cable: P3tog =1 st in between cables. Work 1 rnd.
Dec rnd 7: K2tog last (knitted) st of cable and next (purled) st tbl, rep allround = 90 sts.
Change to double pointed needles. Knit 1 rnd. Cont in rib in round 4 rnds. Cast off sts in rib.